- Utilized Friction when Entering and Exiting a Dry and Wet Bathtub, Siegmund GP, Flynn JE, Mang DW Chimch DD, Gardiner J. "Gait and Posture" Vol. 31, No. 4, April 2010.
- Validation of Walkway Tribometers: Establishing a Reference Standard, Powers CM, Blanchette MG, Brault JR, Flynn JE, Siegmund GP. "Journal of Forensic Sciences" Vol. 55, No. 2, March 2010.
- Assessment of Walkway Tribometer Readings in Evaluating Slip Resistance: A Gait Centered Approach Powers CM, Stefanou MA, Tsai Y, Brault JR, Flynn JE, Siegmund GP. "Journal of Forensic Sciences" Vol. 52, No. 2, March 2007.
- Simulation of a Side Impact and Vehicle Rollover using EDVSM and EDSMAC4 within HVE Flynn JE, Harper S, Underwood HW, Buckert R, Parks P. 2005 Engineering Dynamics White Paper,
- Forensic Engineering Analysis of Taillight Filaments by Digital Photomicroscopy, Flynn, JE. "Journal of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers," Volume XXI, No. 2, December 2004.
- Utilized Coefficient of Friction During Walking: Static Estimates Exceed Measured Values, Powers CM, Burnfield JM, Lim P, Brault JM, Flynn JE. "Journal of Forensic Sciences," Volume 47, No. 6, 2002.
- Comparison of Utilized Coefficient of Friction Requirements Among Persons of Different Ages During Shod Walking at Different Speeds, Burnfield JM, Lim P, Brault J, Flynn JE, Powers CM. Proceedings of the American Society of Testing and Materials Symposium on Metrology of Pedestrian Locomotion and Slip Resistance, June 2001.
- Repeatability and Bias of Two Walkway Safety Tribometers, Powers CM, Kulig K, Flynn JE, Brault JR. "Journal of Testing and Evaluation," November 1999.
- A Method for Determining Crush Stiffness Coefficients From Offset Frontal and Side Crash Tests, Neptune JA, Flynn JE. SAE Paper No. 980024, International Congress and Exposition; Detroit, Michigan; February 1998.
- Impact Analysis Based Upon The CRASH3 Damage Algorithm, Neptune JA, Flynn JE, Underwood HW, Chavez PA. SAE Paper No. 950358, International Congress and Exposition; Detroit, Michigan; February 1995.
- Speed From Skids: A Modern Approach, Neptune JA, Flynn JE, Chavez PA, Underwood HW. SAE Paper No. 950354, International Congress and Exposition; Detroit, Michigan; February 1995.
- A Method for Determining Accident Specific Crush Stiffness Coefficients, Neptune JA, Flynn JE. SAE Paper No. 940913, International Congress and Exposition; Detroit, Michigan; February 1994.
- A Method for Quantifying Vehicle Crush Stiffness Coefficients, Neptune JA, Blair GY, Flynn JE. SAE Paper No. 920607, International Congress and Exposition; Detroit, Michigan; February 1992.
- Flynn, JE. "Variability in the Measurements of the Slip Resistance of a Wetted Surface When Using a Single Variable Incidence Tribometer and Eight Different Neolite Test Feet," 2006 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences,.
- Flynn JE, Medoff H, Brungraber R. "An examination of the performance of three tribometer types and an inclined ramp on the measurement of the slip resistance of five different wetted floor surfaces," 2001 Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Ergonomics and Safety,
- Burnfield JM, Flanagan S, Flynn JE, Brault JR, Powers CM. "Coefficient of Friction Requirements During Weight Acceptance and Push-Off During Periods of Ascending and Descending Stairs," 2001 Proceedings of the International Society of Biomechanics XVIIIth Congress
- Flynn JE, Powers CM, Burnfield JM, Brault JR. "An Evaluation of the Reproducibility of Data Obtained From Two Types of Tribometers When Measuring the Slip Resistance of Walkway Surfaces," 2001 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
- King MD, Flynn JE, Underwood HW, Harper S. "A Conservation of Angular Momentum Analysis Technique Using EDSMAC," 2001 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
- Powers CM, Burnfield JM, Brault JR, Flynn JE. "Comparison of Coefficient of Friction During Gait to Standard Tribometry Measurements: Evaluation of Shod and Barefoot Conditions at Various Walking Speeds," NOIRS 2000, National Occupational Injury Research Symposium Proceedings.
- Powers CM, Requejo P, Lim P, Flynn JE, Brault JR, Kulig K (2000). "Comparison of Coefficient of Friction Requirements During Gait to Standard Tribometry Measurements," 2000 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
- Flynn JE, Underwood HW, Wilson J. "The Effectiveness of Differing Shoe Sole Materials in Providing Slip Resistance on Ice", 2000 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
- Flynn JE, Neptune JA, Campbell H, Underwood H and Chavez P. "The Effect of the Use of Differing Sanding Pressures on the Measurement of the Coefficient of Friction When Using the Brungraber MK II Tribometer," 1997 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
- Flynn JE, Post R, Mayda M, Revenaugh G. "Vehicle vs. Pedestrian Collision Analysis, Simulation and Animation." The Society of Forensic Scientists and Engineers, January 2007, Waikoloa, HI
- Flynn JE, "Quantifying Vehicle Speed from Impact Damage and Post-Collision Travel," The Society of Forensic Scientists and Engineers, March 2006, Yosemite, CA.
- Flynn JE, "History of ASTM Precision and Bias Testing of the Variable Incidence Tribometer and the Portable Inclinable Articulated Strut Tester," ASTM International, January 2006, Phoenix Arizona.
- Flynn JE, Harper S, Underwood HW, Buckert R, Parks P. "Simulation of a Side Impact and Vehicle Rollover using EDVSM and EDSMAC4 within HVE," HVE White Paper Session, February 2005, Miami, FL.
- Flynn JE, "Forensic Engineering Analysis of Taillight Filaments using Digital Photomicroscopy," National Academy of Forensic Engineers, July 2004, Honolulu, HI.
- Flynn JE, Underwood HW, "Automobile Accident Reconstruction - An Overview", A seminar presented to Allstate Insurance Company, May 2004, Fresno, CA.
- Flynn JE, "Slip and Fall, Progress and Problems," The Society of Forensic Scientists and Engineers, March 2004, Yosemite, CA.
- Flynn JE, "Slip Biomechanics," ASTM International Symposium on the Biomechanics of Slips and Falls, June 2003, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
- Flynn JE, "ANSI A1264.2 and the use of the VIT and PIAST Tribometers," The Society of Forensic Scientists and Engineers, March 2002, Yosemite, CA.
- Flynn JE, "Automobile Accident Reconstruction: Case Evaluation and Methods of Data Collection," Central Valley Adjuster�s Association, Fresno, CA, 2002.
- Flynn JE, Medoff H, Brungraber R "An examination of the performance of three tribometer types and an inclined ramp on the measurement of the slip resistance of five different wetted floor surfaces," International Conference on Computer-Aided Ergonomics and Safety, August 2001, Maui, HI.
- Flynn JE, "The Forensic Engineering Use of Current Tribometry Research in Slip and Fall Cases," National Academy of Forensic Engineers; January 2001, Los Angeles, CA.
- Flynn JE, "Precision and Bias Testing of the English XL Variable Incidence Tribometer and the Brungraber Mark II Portable Inclinable Articulated Strut Tester," National Occupational Injury Research Symposium. October 2000, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Flynn JE, "An Overview of Current Methods of Tribometric Analysis of Walkway Surfaces," The Society of Forensic Scientists and Engineers; March 2000, Yosemite, CA.
- Flynn JE, "Repeatability of Walkway Slip Resistance Testing Using Neolite� as the Test Foot Liner," American Society of Testing and Materials; June 1999, West Conshohocken, PA.
- Flynn JE, "Results of Precision and Bias Testing of the English XL Tribometer," American Society of Testing and Materials; January 1999, Memphis, TN.
- Flynn JE, "The Effect of the Use of Differing Sanding Protocols on Readings of Slip Resistance When Using the English XL and Brungraber MK II Tribometers," American Society of Testing and Materials, January 1997.
- Flynn JE, Brault JR, Underwood HW, "Reconstruction and Biomechanics of Low Speed Rear End Automobile Collisions," A seminar presented to the California State Automobile Association; June, 1997, Fresno, CA.
- Flynn JE, "An Analysis of Slip and Fall Accidents," American Society of Safety Engineers; June 1997, Fresno, CA.
- Flynn JE, "Automobile Accident Reconstruction and Occupant Kinematics," American Society of Safety Engineers; August, 1996, Fresno, CA.
- Flynn JE, "Reconstruction of Motor Vehicle Accidents," American Society of Mechanical Engineers; November 1995, Fresno, CA.